what does the bible say about listening to music

what does the bible say about listening to music

And what about the impact of music on our spiritual lives?

What Does the Bible Say About Listening to Music?

In the vast and intricate tapestry of the Bible, there are numerous passages that touch upon various aspects of life, including music. While the Bible doesn’t explicitly mention specific genres or styles of music, it does provide guidance on the appropriate use of sound and its influence on human behavior and emotions. This article will explore how the Bible addresses the topic of music, examining both positive and negative perspectives.

Positive Perspectives

One of the most significant ways the Bible speaks about music is through the Psalms, which are rich in musical imagery. The Psalms often depict God’s creation as a symphony, with the heavens declaring His glory (Psalm 19:1). In this context, music is not just an art form but a reflection of God’s character and the beauty of His creation. Furthermore, the Book of Revelation describes a new heaven and earth where God’s temple is made real, and the music of the nations will be added to the songs of the Lamb (Revelation 5:9). Here, music is seen as a powerful expression of praise and worship.

Another passage that can be interpreted in light of music is found in Ephesians 5:19, which instructs believers to “do no drunkenness, nor [be] riotous, nor [be] outworn, speaking evil of [one another].” This verse suggests that music should be used responsibly, avoiding excessive indulgence or inappropriate behavior. Similarly, James 3:6 warns against the misuse of words, implying that the tone and content of music should be carefully considered.

Negative Perspectives

On the other hand, the Bible also provides cautionary tales about the misuse of music. For instance, in 1 Samuel 10:5, Saul is warned not to listen to his mother’s advice regarding his attire, which included a harp. This incident highlights the potential for music to become a distraction from divine wisdom and guidance. Additionally, Proverbs 26:9 states, “Do not put a snare in front of the lion’s den,” suggesting that music, if improperly chosen, could serve as a trap or distraction.

The Old Testament also contains warnings against the use of music in idolatrous practices. In 2 Kings 11:1-4, King Ahaziah of Judah seeks to consult a necromancer using music and instruments, indicating that such practices were deemed inappropriate and potentially harmful. These examples underscore the importance of discernment in choosing and using music.


While the Bible does not offer a comprehensive list of approved musical genres or styles, it provides guidelines for the responsible and reverent use of music. From the Psalms’ celebration of God’s creation to the warnings against distractions and idolatry, the Bible offers a spectrum of perspectives on music. As followers of Christ, we are called to cultivate a heart that listens to God’s word and responds with joyful, Spirit-led expressions of praise and worship.


  1. Q: What specific musical genres are mentioned in the Bible?

    • A: While the Bible does not mention specific musical genres, it uses metaphors like “harp” (1 Samuel 10:5) and “songs” (e.g., Psalm 137:1-3) to describe different types of music.
  2. Q: How does the Bible view the role of music in worship?

    • A: The Bible views music as a powerful tool for expressing praise and worship, reflecting God’s character and the beauty of His creation. It encourages believers to use music responsibly and reverently.
  3. Q: Are there any specific warnings about the misuse of music in the Bible?

    • A: Yes, there are several warnings. For example, in 1 Samuel 10:5, Saul is warned not to listen to his mother’s advice regarding his attire, which included a harp. Additionally, in 2 Kings 11:1-4, King Ahaziah is warned against consulting a necromancer using music and instruments.
  4. Q: Can you give an example of how the Bible encourages responsible use of music?

    • A: In Ephesians 5:19, believers are instructed not to “put a snare in front of the lion’s den,” which can be interpreted as avoiding inappropriate or distracting music that might hinder their relationship with God.